Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 9/ New hair and Mike goes home

This morning my dad took Will and Mike to get their hair cut. This photo is not the greatest but I love Will's new hair!!!!!!
We then got all of Mike's things together for him to take home. Will let him take home one of his webkinz to take care of. We then went to the library to get a new library card. Since we were her last the library near my parents house changed from Clark County to Henderson Library system. So we were unable to get a new card but my dad did. He got the kids a bunch of books to read. They quickly got started. By the time we got to Olive Garden for lunch Will was on Chapter 5 of James and the Giant Peach. I'm not to sure he was really reading it or not. He could tell some of the story but they just finished it in class so he might just be remembering it from school. He does have a great memory. I hope he becomes a doctor or lawyer because he has a great memory. Speaking of being a doctor he found my dad's stethoscope in the back and tried to listen to every ones heart beats.
Bye Daddy we will miss you!!!

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