Monday, October 20, 2008


I have sickies at my house. Saturday morning at 2 am. Mike came down stairs sick. It lasted for a few hours, then he spent most of Saturday lying on the couch resting. By Sunday morning he was better and able to function. He took a nap in the afternoon and then we went to family dinner in Toledo. Everything was fine until 1:45 am when Will came into the room and started crying that his bed was wet. No problem.
Me:Did you change your pull up?
W: Yes
Dad: Ok climb in here and lay down.
W: Ok, but my tummy hurts.
Dad: Goes downstairs for something
W: While losing it all over our new carpet. My tummy really hurts.
Me: Standing watching this all happen without going into a historical rant. It will be ok.
W: No my tummy really hurts.
Dad: comes up to clean mess.

W: Can we mumble mumble mumble.
Me: what was that?
W: Can we have a prayer?

My heart just melted. As most of you know, Will can cause some trouble. In fact he causes a lot of trouble sometimes. Sometimes I look at him and ask myself what I am doing wrong. Then there are moments like these. While in the depths of his despair he cries out for help. And who does he turn to? He prays to Heavenly Father. He knows how to choose the right, he just sometimes chooses to turn the other way.

Ok after several hours of sleep for a 45 min until Will wakes up does his thing then falls back asleep. Repeat until about 7:00am. It was pretty clear that the hopes of a perfect attendance by Will at school was going to be shattered. Yep around 8:15 one last dose of stomach spasms! Ok get Madi off to school and Will starts to perk up. about 8:55 I am starting to second guess myself. I try to justify the decision that it would benefit the teacher and other students if He stayed home. For the next few hours things were fine. He stayed rather into a movie which was later determined not to appropriate for his age. But to justify this I was sleep deprived and trying to fight off a migraine so my poor choice in movies should not be questioned.

Anyhow around noon he decided to get himself dressed and ready for school. I suggested that he just have some lunch and see if that stayed down. He went outside for a bit but when he returned he was looking ashen again and I suggested he go lay down. He sat in front of his lunch for about 20 minutes and then laid down. I told him to lay on the couch and get a nap. I had to lay down too for that to happen. Well I got another 45 minutes in. So then the others came home for the day. Hurt feelings aside things were looking up until about 7:55. Mike had gone to bed. We were watching "My Turn on Earth" This deserves another post at a later time. Then Madi went down with it. Immediately Will goes again. AAAHHH. I try as hard as I can not to lose it myself while helping both clean up. I called down Mike and He got Will ready for bed and took him upstairs. Two hours of whining and puking Madi is finally asleep. Here is hoping for a few hours of sleep tonight! I can only hope that tomorrow I will be able to catch up with the housework and get some germs out of my house.


Live well, Laugh often, Love much ~Maria said...

Oh honey! Been there...done that! I remember a time when the kids were just babies. The flu had gone through the entire household. Nicholas and I got it almost simultaneously and the way that I knew I had it was I went upstairs because he was crying. The smell of puke permeated the entire loft. Being a baby he pretty much just sat up and puked. He had it all over him, the bed, the get the picture. I went to get him out of bed and I puked too. After having cared for 4 other people puking in that week prior...this was not the finale I was looking for. Fun times, babe! On a more serious note...if you need anything...just holler!

Anonymous said...

Not fun, Tiff! How sweet for Will to want to pray for relief. Those moments definitely melt a mom's heart!

Glad to hear you're all on the mend.


Melissa Monday said...

It sounds to me like we had the same sickness last week. It was horrible! I loved Will's sotry about asking to say a prayer. Moments like that do make parenting all worthwhile. It choked me up a bit. Thanks for writing that. I loved it and know your pain with the puking a little more than I would like.