Thursday, January 1, 2009


This year has gone really quickly. I can't beleive it is 2009 already. There was so much I wanted to do and I look back and I am a little sad that somethings were not accomplished but I look at how much my children have grown and would not want to change that for anything. So here is a small look into the happenings of 2008!

We started off the year with some fun dancing! Madison as Hannah Montana!
Will trying his best to be cute! And working it I might say!

Will and his 100 day celebrations at school.
Madison Just having fun.
Will having a blast with all the boys at Aunt Alexis's house.
Madison walking the egg, during Easter Celebrations.
Friends and Crafts were a big part of 2008.
The discovery of the Rock Wall!
I love you!
Just spending time together.
They really do like each other.
Always curious!
Almost always posing for the picture.
Lots of Swimming.
And more Swimming.
Some new fun by the Lake.
That's my boy!
How pretty is she!
Climbing Trees.
And again.
Loving the weather!
Time together doing things to make lasting memories.
Lot's of Ice Cream.
What can I say!
WWF and Star Wars

And a lot of fun was had by all.


Live well, Laugh often, Love much ~Maria said...

Every year we get with these a great year :)

Kristen said...

Looks like you had a great year!

Megan Gery said...

cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

Love all the pics!


Anonymous said...

Hi cousin!
I ran across this doing a google search using grandma swift's name.
Your Dad looks great in the blog about his visit to you. The story about grandpa and grandma's announcement of their marriage appears in a book on the history of Williamsfield.
I see you are in Iowa now, last I knew you were in Findlay by the university's athletics center. Goldie Swift's dad was from Iowa. We don't know exactly where because he left shortly after she was born.
Looks like your kids keep you busy. My 2.5 year old does as well.

Charles Swift