Madison has been collecting socks for Hannah's Socks for a few weeks now. I am so proud of her. She got up in front of all the adults and church to announce that she was doing this as a service project for Faith in God! and then again to all the Primary kids. So far she has collected 220 pairs of socks and 21 pair of underware (we didn't even tell anyone to bring them, they just did) Anyhow her goal is 250 pair and we are collecting for at least one more week. So if you want to donate just let me know! Thanks to all those who have helped already!
I was in the kitchen cleaning and I heard Mike talking to the kids. Madi was on the computer pounding away at the keyboard.
Mike: Hey, you can't do that.
Madison: Why not?
Mike: You need to have a red wand to do that!
Does this happen in other households, talking about red wands (Harry Potter), What light saber to use, how to throw the perfect whip, What spells work the best?
So on Monday Mike got his third cast put on. We choose to go with Red for Christmas because they did not have any green. Today was his work party and he wanted to be fun so this morning we decorated his cast!
Then after school the kids and I mailed some packages. They were great helpers at the post office. When we got home they helped by putting stickers in the cards or putting labels on the envelopes.
Stay tuned for more christmas cheer. Hopefully they won't have school tomorrow so we can do more crafts and cookies!
This Sunday I taught the lesson in Relief Society. It turned out pretty good. When talking about finding Eternal Truths in things outside of the church or religion I showed part of a Movie Madi and I watched a few weeks ago. I thought I would Post it here. A Little Princess, is an awesome movie for young girls to see. The part I showed in the lesson starts around 5 minutes in.
One of the sisters was sad that I did not go any further with the movie. Her favorite part is in this clip when the girls wake up. Watch to see the surprise that is waiting for them!
Last night as I was trying to get dinner ready I hear a loud crash from the front of the house. I heard a call out "Everyone is all right!" Will was standing in the middle of the room laughing. I started to go about my business when Will calls out"Mom come here and look at this." Of course my mind goes to what have you broken of mine now. I wall over the the desk where Will is standing looking at his father lying on the floor, pointing and laughing. I told Mike to hold on while I got the canera. And then I got this awesome shot!
Today was a weird day. Mike got picked up for work. The kids walked to school and I was able to stay home and get some cleaning done. And I rearranged the living room to make room for the Christmas tree. So I did not shower or change into clean clothes. So when we had to drive to Findlay to pick up Mike from work he ask if we could come in the front to pick up some things. So ranting with the children in the car I said; "Great, one day I don't shower or change my clothes we have to go into the office!"
Will from the back of the van says: "You kind of look pretty!"
Madi then replys: "Kind of?" All snotty like.
Will: "No, she is really pretty. I want to marry her. But I can't because I am not old enough to be married. And you are already married, urg, to my father."
Isn't that just the best. Sometimes he calles me Love, its so funny. He really is a great kid!
I emailed Carol Lynn Pearson back on Novembe 9th this is what I wrote: Our family recently bought the DVD My Turn on Earth. I thought it would be a good video for my daughter, who loves music and acting and who was planning on being baptized soon. We watched it together as a family one night. The next morning my 6 year old son was up early and was watching the video again. When he returned home from school he played it again. This evening I was taking my mother to the airport (she came into town for my daughters baptism.) My husband called to let me know how things were at home and informed me that he was watching the dvd again. He is just thrilled to watch it again and again.
We have also read some of your parables and enjoy them as well. Thank you!
Today she wrote back to me:
Thanks much for this, Tiffany. So glad your family is enjoying the DVD. And please tell them all I hope they all have a Terrific Turn on Earth!
Carol Lynn
I just think this is so awesome!
For those of you who don't know who Carol Lynn Pearson is, she is a poet, author, play write, and Philosopher. She is Mormon and was married to a gay Mormon man. She writes about that experience and others facing that challenge as well. She has written many books, poem and fables. This is a song from My Turn on Earth:
Releasing Pressure
So today's Exercise is Releasing Pressure. I so needed that today. Not only
is it the beginning of this journey, but it's Monday! And after an
unexpected l...