Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Will!!!!!

August William Lee Richter was born 6 years ago today! I went in at around 8 am to be induced. I was relaxed most of the morning. Things were progressing really well, so before they broke my water they decided to give me my epidural. I did not have one with Madi so I was looking forward to it. Well around 12 they got the needle in, push the meds and it went up instead of down. I felt light headed and a little woozy for a while. They broke my water, then as the contractions started to get stronger I felt like I could not breathe. That was a little scary. They waited until about 3:15 to come in and get another needle, this time with a new anesthesiologist. I had been going through all the pain for the last 3 hours with out it, I should have just said no but I went ahead and did it anyway. This time it worked but only for like the last 10 min. I pushed and he was here. At 3:47pm 8 lbs 4 oz. 20 in. He was great. Didn't complain as much as Madi did. Very calm baby. I got cleaned up and then they took him to get cleaned up. They wanted me to get up and move rooms but since I was still numb from the epidural I just couldn't move, Mike had to help me. We got to the new room and had to wait until 11pm to see Will again. They were having trouble getting his body temperature up. They had to keep him in a warmer for a few hours and pump him full of antibiotics. (Which led to months of Thrush) I also got yelled at by the nurse for not peeing but I had to remind her that I was still numb and I have a very large blatter. Any how when I did go she yelled at me again for not getting her to have her watch me. Then she threatened a catheter until I told her again that every thing was fine and there was no need to torture me anymore! After that things were good. Two relaxing days in the hospital. Mike had fun with Madi and things were going well with nursing. Until Will was classified at failure to thrive at 2 weeks old and they asked that I use formula. Turns out that my type of infertility also causes problems with Milk production. Wish I knew that with Madi, could have saved me 4 months of turmoil and depression. But oh well now we know. So happy birthday Will. Hope this year is full of growth, learning, fun and staying away from our neighbors flowers!


Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Will!!!!!

Kirsty said...

Happy Birthday Will!! LOL at your last line.