Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Joy? of Motherhood?

As luck would have it the day after my post about my boy being great and wonderful, he goes and becomes evil once again. We try so hard to keep his evil Dark side hidden from the world but Darth Willy came out Monday morning, his victims, my neighbors beautiful flowers! If any of you know her or read her blog you know that one of the most precious things in her life, after her husband and children, are her flowers. She looks forward to them all winter and loves as the first signs spring appear out her front door. And what does my child do but destroy her flowers for no reason but to do something destructive. Oh the hurt in my heart when she called to tell me what he had done. He spent the next two and half hours in his room. It would have been more but he had to go to school. He is grounded for a week from the TV, computer, and all video games.

So, Mike came home Monday night and was talking with the boy. He asked what he did to get into so much trouble. Will, was so scared. He just could not tell him. So I think he was scared straight! My Young Padwon is back. He has been very helpful since all entertainment is gone. I think this week will last a little longer. I am sure that once TV is aloud back into his life he will be going outside more, and with lots of look of death, he should not be destroying flowers no more!!!!!

On a side note, I was at church tonight and talking with said neighbor. And who should walk in but my daughter and friend, hiding something behind there backs. I was about to have a heart attack right there. They, yes you guessed it, had flowers behind there backs. Lucky for them they were off of a tree and given as gifts, so not as traumatic.

Oh one last thing, again about said neighbor. She knew how upset I would be thinking that she hated me and that I am the worst mother of them all. On the day of "the incident" she shows up at my door with a jar of flowers! Now if that is not the coolest thing ever! Your a great friend and neighbor, Thanks!

Monday, April 21, 2008

My boy!

Ok, so most of the time I don't give Will the credit he deserves. He is the best really. He is just 100% boy, and sometimes that comes with 100% headaches after yelling his name for two hours on a soccer feild because he rather just play around than listen to anyone!!!! Whew, I am over that one now. So on Sundays, Will knows that he is allowed to watch Veggie Tales. So as soon as he walks through the door, He picks out a movie that he puts in and we have the joy of watching that same movie all day over and over and over, anyhow Good lessons, same songs over and over annoying. UNLESS he does something like this:

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Baptism video

This is a video I put together for a friend. Her daughter will be baptized this weekend.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!

My Friend Leisa sent this tag to me so here goes

Here are the rules:

1) Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4) Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So I've taken some time off from blogging. Here we go to starting again!

1) I love my kids

2) I have a wonderful, goofy, and loving husband

3) I love to make cakes

4) I Love to scrapbook (not doing to good on this one)

5) I have really great friends!!!!!! Not going to add a picture for various reasons!

6) I love to serve in my church. I have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and want to be like him.

7) I secretly want to be on the Biggest Loser but I am to afraid!

Jenn Lynn
Melissa S
Melissa M

hey Steph and Denise you can do this too!!!! I know you can!!!!